Thursday, June 16, 2011

Seperation Anxiety. Pain in the arse...or just an amazing bond?

You be the judge.

Lately I have been having a bit of a hardtime with the Baby and her Seperation Anxiety.

Putting it nicely- It is doing my fucking head in.

My son wasn't ever like this so this is a "new" thing for us, and it sucks.
I cannot leave the room without hysterics from her, David cannot hold her unless I am in the room with her- and god forbid I leave the room to go to the toilet or eat!

We had a Maternal Health Nurse visit last week, After explaining this to the MCHN, her reply was "It's a pain in the arse, but I am smiling and I will tell you why- This is a GOOD thing because it means you & your Daughter have created an amazing bond with each other".

Yes, It is amazing that we have created this bond, but fuck! Give me a break!

Right now she is asleep in her Daddies arms, something that very rarely happens- This is the longest I have been able to sit infront of the Computer in a month and a half (That is how long this Seperation Anxiety has been going on). MCHN said to keep distance to a minimum and soon enough she will get over this phase- I hope she is right.

I feel like a shitty Mother admitting that this is doing my head in right now, but it is...and I feel like this is something I need to tell you, or I just need to get off my chest.

Am I the only one who has struggled with a babies stage in life? No.

So why do I feel so alone in this?

1 comment:

  1. You're not alone... It's so different to anything we've ever known - to have someone so wholly dependent on you that when you leave the room they just lose the plot. I craved moments of time when I could just be myself and not be touched, poked, prodded or otherwise annoyed by my loved ones... It's not that I loved them any less, but just that to be able to give them the best I could, I needed some time to replenish. Just take any moment of time you can get, and feel free to use my mantra 'this too shall pass'... and it always does. : )
