Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Roses & Thorns..

Today I have decided to do a bit of a different blog "Roses & Thorns", I saw it on TV yesterday, On Oprah perhaps? Where you sit at the Dinner Table & everyone says what their Roses & Thorns are for the day (The good & Bad of the day) and I thought it was such a great idea- A whole lot better than my "Thumbs up, Thumbs down" on my LiveJournal! I'm going to try and make this a frequent thing- You're welcome to do the same :)

  • Milk Chocolate with Hazelnuts
  • Rain- It means the Dog isn't barking today
  • No Bills- the Postie rode straight past our house!
  • The Baby has a cold and she is full of Snot and she is Clingy
  • The 4 year old seems to have forgotten the meaning of "quiet"
  • Child Care fees went up by $12 for us

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A positive post!

I'm having more better days than I am bad days. This is a good thing, Maybe this means I am  becoming more & more like you as the days go by? Is it the meds? The extreme change in diet?

Today I cleaned out the laundry. I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the tiles like never before. I bought the Cat a new litter tray (Because all cats need a dark pink litter tray right?), I even cleaned the inside of the washing machine properly!

I'm not used to cleaning like that.

I admit it...I am not the tidiest person in the world. If you came over to my house you would see dust on all of my skirting boards, Dog paw prints on my tiles, crumbs on my floor, Hot Wheel cars everywhere and 8 glasses  on my coffee table.

I used to get so upset about this- but instead, I am looking at the things you would see if you did come to my house- Clean, well fed children, Happy Animals, Freshly bakes cupcakes, comfy couches, great photos

So is having a clean house all part of me feeling better? I have energy that I don't normally have, I'm leaving my house to go further than the letterbox. I'm smiling.

You hear that?? I am smiling.

I am smiling because this is a positive blog from me today, One where, for the first time apart from 2 labours- I have complete & utter faith that things will be ok.

I'm feeling good, I'm feeling inspired- I may even start my Food Blog this week...we'll see!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Am I becoming...normal?

This weekend I left my house.

Yes, you read that correctly... I left my house.

I left my house and went 25km from home, I sat in the car for a total of 2 hours and 4 minutes the whole weekend.

and it felt good.

Friday, July 1, 2011

What about me?

I want to be the kind of person who is well known.

 Not a famous person, but a person respected and loved in the community. A person who, when people walk by - say nice things about. They say how I helped  someone or how I did something spectacular and made a dent in the world..

I want to join the CWA and be a well respected member of the CWA in my area..

I want to own my own online store and make and create amazing things that all my friends love and share with their friends.

A friend told me the other day that she thinks I am one of the least selfish people she knows. It meant alot to hear that someone viewed me that way- because I really do feel like I am selfish.

Selfish because I won't achieve those things above- because I am too busy focusing on me. Not what I will do, but what I can't do..

What about me? When will it be my turn to change my life- will it take something bad to happen to snap me in to gear? Why can't I be like you? Why can't I do the things that you do? Why can't I have a healthy body, healthy mind and just get the fuck off my arse and DO SOMETHING??

It isn't fair. Stop the world, because I want to get off.